11 July, 2022

article1Blessy Babu

Will technology replace English language teachers?

Will technology replace English language teachers?

Technology is rushing at a rapid speed, and one cannot ignore the possibility of machines overpowering a million jobs due to automation. The education sector is no different in this respect. Technology has instilled fears in many teachers across the world as modern computing has changed the teaching-learning process dramatically. 

Moreover, English language training and learning has also become a lot more exciting and innovative with ready information, just a swipe away. 

But isn’t there a lot that teachers can do that technology cannot? Do you think technology in itself can benefit students and guide them to a better future?

Do not fret if you are aspiring to be an English language teacher. Technology, with its virtual and smart tools like the AI, may aid language learning, but cannot substitute a teacher’s place in the classroom. Now you can enrol in NIOS Course to complete your higher education.

What Technology Can’t Do

  • Human interaction
  • Inspire students
  • Context and Intuition

Human interaction

Learning a language is more than the content/subject and the flair that students develop as they take classes. It also hugely depends on how much of their acquired knowledge can be put to use in real-life scenarios. Only an English language teacher can give them the real-time experience of human interaction- the ultimate power of language learning

Inspire students

Have you heard people speak of teachers who inspired them? Teachers, who set themselves as role models for students to imbibe and follow. You can be sure that an AI automated machine cannot inspire students in the same way. It cannot speak of a life-changing experience that can shape and excite students to work hard. When students realise that their teacher isn’t a human, they imagine the lessons to be above their capacity to learn.

How much can a humanoid robot inspire you with its story to drive your passion in English language learning?  In short, a machine cannot empathize with students by connecting and actively listening to ensure their progress. 

Context and Intuition 

A classroom is more than a place of learning, it incorporates a broader social context. A teacher can infer specific cues from the whole class of students or an individual student to imagine their emotional state. He/she can think of all the possible reasons why a student is behaving the way he does and comes up with possible solutions. However, a computing device lacks this skill.  Although a machine may generate error-free bulk information or respond to students by grasping their facial expressions, it cannot merge together several other human variables to offer harmony or meaning.

What Technology can do? 

Having said this, let’s not ignore how technology can coexist with teachers to enrich English language learning. AI has already become assistants to teachers. Teachers can rely on software for these processes.

  • Tracking student progress by conducting exams
  • Use voice recognition and interactive multimedia exercises
  • Making the classroom more participatory using virtual whiteboards. 
  • Conduct activities for all levels of learners.
  • Managing administrative tasks like activating student accounts and sending automated notifications. 

AI can ensure students succeed way beyond their capabilities and teachers perform with efficiency and ease. 

On the whole, technology will soon turn out to be a close companion of human instructors. But cannot replace a teacher when it comes to the all-around growth of students that emphasizes both on academic and non-academic aspects of language learning.

article1Blessy Babu


Ms Blessy is the communicative English trainer who handles OET, DHA and NCLEX Training with Edoxi Training Institute, Dubai. She is a dedicated communication skills trainer who uses her technical skills to track her students' academic progress and help them achieve their goals on time. She is also involved in designing tests to test students' fluency in reading, writing, speaking and English language comprehension.

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