About Us


We Transform Your Career To Make A Difference!

We aim for the evolution of Professional Training Education in the Middle East to transform people’s career and the industries. Guided by our purpose and promise, we deliver professional training to every student/individual/professional as per global standards.

Founded in 2018, we serve individuals and corporates to develop their skills and to become successful in today’s competitive economy. We are driven by the passion and the experience drawn from our sister concern, Time Training Center, pioneering the education and training industry for more than 27 years in Abu Dhabi. Together, we can transform individual’s passions and careers, the industries, growing economies, lift up the societies, and sustain our environment.


Edoxi offers Customised and High-Quality Training with Professional Trainers

Our Mission

Our mission is to help students to become pioneers of the future economy. We earnestly work to guide our students to make the right career choices and become professionally successful. We impart a learning environment where our students can discover the knowledge and values for their better future.

Our Vision

We want to head the growth of Professional training education in the Middle East and enhance the lives of the students with the highest quality training from industry experts. We expect to make value-added contributions to learning that meet the needs of the global community. Our essential goal is to deliver consistent results, earn loyalty, and empower students to grow as creative individuals and become the most trusted institute for quality training.

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    We develop a moral vocabulary within our students’ to stand up for their beliefs and values in ways that can make a difference in the world.

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    We commit to building the potential of our students and the needs of our customers’ through a world-class educational experience.

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    Our belief is in achieving excellence through education & we focus on giving the best education for our students’ to create a lifelong passion for learning.

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    We take on the responsibility of being a role model for our students and the community through the continuous improvement of curriculum and personnel.

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    Our courses are specifically designed by experts to provide individuals with the necessary skills to meet the competency at the workplace.

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    Our proficiency lies in recognizing the talent of each individual, their abilities and preparing them to be contributing citizens in the future.


I believe Education is the most powerful weapon that can transform the world. I wish to guide my people towards the right principles with a blend of intelligence and creativity. Our tailor-made courses are aligned to individual needs for both work & education, that are relevant for present and geared for the future. Edoxi Institute strives to make a difference with its quality and excellence in providing a world-class educational experience for all aspirants. Edoxi’s strength lies in its core values of excellence, integrity, diversity and innovation which we uphold in our talented work team, our partners & clients and society at large.

Sharafudhin Mangalad

Founder & CEO -Edoxi Training

