Microsoft Technical Courses in Dubai

Gain the technical skills to handle the latest Microsoft products by joining Edoxi’s Microsoft Technical Certification Courses in Dubai. By enrolling in Microsoft Technical Courses, you will,

  • Understand the role of Microsoft Transact-SQL 2016 in Database 
  • Understand the high-level architectural overview of SQL Server  
  • Learn to outline the SQL Server execution model, queues, and waits.
  • Learn to utilize aggregate functions, offset, and window ranking.
  • Learn how to back up and recover SQL Server databases.
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Overview Of Microsoft Technical Certification Courses in Dubai

Technical courses are designed to help people learn the skills they need to work in a particular field. Microsoft technical certification courses are no different. Edoxi’s Microsoft Technical Courses cover a wide range of topics related to Microsoft products and services, including operating systems, servers, and software applications.

How Can Microsoft Technical Certifications Help Your Career? 

Microsoft Technical Certifications validate your core technical skills and advance your career in IT. Microsoft Technical Certifications are organized into three core areas. They are Cloud, Datacenter, and Productivity. Each core area validates a different set of technical skills. The Cloud core area validates your ability to deploy and manage applications in the cloud. The Datacenter core area validates your ability to manage and maintain data centers. And the Productivity core area validates your ability to use productivity tools, such as Microsoft Office. 

The core areas provide the necessary foundation for an individual to start learning about the various technologies used in Microsoft products. They also provide a base for an individual to understand how Microsoft products work. After completion of the core areas, an individual can move on to other areas of specialisation, like network administration or web development.

Benefits & Outcomes of Microsoft Technical Training Courses

Microsoft Technical Certifications courses help individuals to keep up-to-date with the latest technology trends. Following are some of the major outcomes of Microsoft Technical Certification Training in Dubai:

  • Boost your resume:Microsoft Technical Certifications provide you with recognized credentials to boost your resume that attracts potential employers. 
  • Gives you a competitive edge :Microsoft Technical Training equips you with the latest skills and gives you a competitive edge to sustain in today's rapidly changing technology landscape. 
  • Create Centralised Collaboration :Microsoft Technical training introduces you to the latest tools for creating centralized/ cross-departmental collaboration and seamless communication. 
  • Helps you with business continuity:You will learn to bring about consistency in the productivity of the organization and know how to handle it during uncertainty.
  • Help you enhance security measures :Microsoft Technical Certification imparts you with the skills to deal with confidential data and enhances security measures for data protection.

What Will you Learn from Microsoft Technical Courses?

The important areas covered in Microsoft Technical Certification Courses are:

  • To execute VPNs, branch office networking, software-defined networking, and more.
  • To execute and supervise the management of the IP address.
  • To control the notifications and alerts easily along with SQL Server with the use of PowerShell.
  • To Set up security for the SQL Server agent
  • Learn the vital aspects of managing end-user devices and clients.
  • Gain the capabilities to troubleshoot Office 365 availability and usage.
  • Identify architectural ideas and the finest practices concerned with information files for databases.
  • Utilize Windows 10 characteristics to enhance network security.
  • Learn resource access leveraging Microsoft Intune.
  • Learn about storage area network and performance testing 

Major Objectives of Microsoft Technical Certification Courses

Following are the main objectives of Edoxi’s Microsoft Technical Certification Courses in Dubai.

  • To help you understand how to find and fix query plan issues.
  • To enhance your capability of troubleshooting scenarios 
  • To learn best practices concerned to plan cache.
  • To help you understand the information accumulation strategy and processes to examine the collected information.
  • To learn the techniques to find and analyze bottlenecks to enhance the performance of the organization
  • To make co-authoring easier for users
  • To safeguard information with auditing and encryption.
  • To elucidate the recovery strategies and recovery models. 
  • To enhance business performance and scalability
  •  To effectively manage apps, device security, and data security
  • To set up advanced networking characteristics.
  • To successfully deploy the Domain Name System.

Why Choose A Microsoft Technical Training Institute in Dubai?

Microsoft Technical Certification from a Microsoft Technical Training Institute in Dubai is an investment in your future that is sure to pay off. You will get career-ready skills to use the latest Microsoft Products by joining a Microsoft Technical Training Institute in Dubai. The certification from an institute like Edoxi Training Institute will instill in you a sense of pride and satisfaction, knowing that you have what it takes to be a part of the ever-growing IT field. 

Edoxi’s Microsoft Technical Certification Courses in Dubai will provide you with the knowledge and resources to grow your technical skills in advanced Microsoft tools.  Enrolling in Microsoft Technical Courses in Dubai will help you receive technical training from our subject experts. You will emerge as a successful IT Professional upon receiving industry-recognized Microsoft certifications required to succeed in the tech-driven economy.  
