09 June, 2023

article1Blessy Babu

EMSAT Exam-An Introduction To EMSAT Exam

EMSAT Exam-An Introduction To EMSAT Exam

Are you looking for university or college admissions in the United Arab Emirates? If yes, qualifying for the EmSAT exam is your first milestone. Whether you are in the UAE or have plans to shift to any place in the UAE, having an idea about the EmSAT Exam will be beneficial when you’re seeking admissions for your children in any school or university in the Emirates. This blog will give you a good idea about everything you need to know about the EmSAT Exam and to get started with EmSAT Exam preparation.

What is the EmSAT Exam? 

EmSAT or the Emirates Standardized Test is considered the first national test based on a computer benchmarking system. The EmSAT is built to measure the students' skills independently of the curriculum for grades (1-4-6-8-10-12). 

What Are The Different ‌EmSAT Exams?

There are three types of EmSAT exams conducted in the UAE and the Importance of the EmSAT Exam varies from these types. The EmSAT Exams is categorized into:

  • EmSAT Baseline Test
  • EmSAT Advantage Test
  • EmSAT Achieve Test


  1. The Baseline Test: The EmSAT Baseline tests measures Grade 1 skills and knowledge in basic subjects like Arabic, English, Maths and Science. It assesses Grade 1 students as they transition from kindergarten to general education.
  2. The Advantage Test: The EmSAT Advantage test is a set of standardized tests that tracks the development of students during their general education and marks the data of performance in grades 4, 6, 8, and 10. It assesses their knowledge in target subjects such as Arabic, English, Mathematics, and Science.
  3. EmSAT Achieve Test: EmSAT Achieve is a set of online tests that measures the knowledge of Grade 12 students as they complete their general education and move onto higher education in the UAE. Emirati and Non-Emirati students undergo the test by selecting targeted subject tests that act as an evaluating standard for college or university admissions. The EmSAT Achieve test subjects include Arabic, English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Computer Science under the Ministry of Education curriculum.

Importance of EmSAT Exam

An EmSAT exam specifies the students’ performance level nationally and internationally. The Ministry of Education conducts the test for public and private institutions. The EmSAT Exam is important because of the following reasons: 

  • The EmSAT test is an alternative to other higher education entry tests. Soon, tests such as IELTS and OET will be replaced with the EmSAT exams for student admission in schools. This test measures students’ performance improvement over time.
  • The EmSAT test evaluates the skills, language and subject knowledge of students based on their grades. This further helps the government and the private schools in developing improvement plans for students.
  • The EmSAT test covers English, Arabic, mathematics and physics for twelfth-grade students. The English EmSAT test for twelfth-grade students will replace CEPA as an accredited admissions test at UAE universities. 
  • EmSAT tests will also be implemented at selected schools affiliated with the Ministry of Education in grades 1, 4, 6, 8 and 10 in the UAE. 

EmSAT Exam Requirements 

The UAE Ministry of Education wants to ensure that all students who apply for under graduation in the UAE universities and colleges are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively participate in the modern Knowledge based global society. To get admissions into UAE universities or colleges, it's mandatory to take the EMSAT test and secure the minimum passing score required by the university or college a student wants to study. 

The EmSAT Exam requires a student to have minimum skills and knowledge in subjects (English, Arabic, Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Computer Science) selected by the Ministry of education. However, you don’t have to be worried about the EMSAT result as it is not a fail or pass test. The main purpose of the test was created to evaluate students. 

The training duration for your EmSAT exam may cover approximately 28-32 hours. To register for the exam, you will require a Passport Copy, Curriculum Vitae, passport size photographs and Course Fee. The essential qualification for a candidate to attend the exam includes the high school completion certificate.

The candidate will also require proficiency in the English language to understand, read and write. A wide range of knowledge of science and English and the fundamentals of mathematics will help the candidate pass the test. If you wish to get yourself enrolled in the colleges in the UAE, then attending an EmSAT training would be the best choice.

EmSAT Achieve Test Subjects and Exam Duration

For the 12th grade students, the EmSAT Achieve test has sections that measure the skills and knowledge in the subjects. The EmSAT Achieve Test Subjects, test specifications and the test duration are given below. Let’s check it out.

EmSAT Achieve Tests Syllabus No of Questions Duration
EmSAT Achieve English
  • Grammar and Vocabulary
  • Sentence structure
  • Close and extended reading
  • Writing task
  • Including one essay, there will be 110 questions to be completed.
135 Minutes
EmSAT Achieve Math
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Statistics
  • The test includes 40 questions of multiple choice and fills in the blanks.
120 Minutes
EmSAT Achieve Physics
  • Mechanics
  • Waves and Optics
  • Thermal Physics and Thermodynamics
  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Modern Physics
  • It includes around 40 multiple-choice questions.
120 Minutes
EmSAT Achieve Chemistry
  • Matter and its properties
  • Energy,Forces,and Conservation
  • It comprises 40 questions.
120 Minutes
EmSAT Achieve Biology
  • From molecules to a living organism:Structure and Function
  • Heredity and Genetic Technology
  • Evolution and Diversity of Life
  • Ecology:Interdependence and Energy and Dynamics
  • The test comprises 40 multiple-choice questions.
120 Minutes
EmSAT Achieve Computer Science
  • Java
  • C++
  • Python
  • Java:100 multiple-choice questions
  • C ++:100 multiple-choice questions
  • Python:100 multiple-choice questions
120 Minutes Each

Benefits of EmSAT Exam

The benefits of taking the EmSAT exams are listed below:

  • Enrol in any colleges or universities in the UAE
  • Assess your skills and knowledge in your area of interest for higher studies. 
  • Understand English writing, clear incorrect grammatical sentences and vocabulary mistakes.
  • EmSAT is an alternative to other higher education entry tests

EmSAT Score

The scores are different for different streams and courses. There is no EmSAT passing score or failing score for the test, but some institutions may ask for a minimum score for the admission. The Emirates Standardised Tests are tests that assess the extent to which students have skills and concepts in the specific subjects like English, Arabic, Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Computer Science. Check out the EmSAT score for all the EmSAT subjects below. 

EmSAT Achieve English Test Score Details 

The EmSAT Achieve English test takes 135 minutes and will include 110 questions in Multiple Choices, Fill in the blanks, Drag and Drop, Essay, Reading and sentence re-ordering. 

The EmSAT Achieve English test score ranges between 300 and 2000. The student who got 2000 as an overall score will be at C2 level (proficient level). A score between (1625–1975) will be at C1 level. The score from (1250–1600) is a B2 level (Independent). The between (875–1225) will be at B1 level. If you scored between (500–850), you will be classified on level A2 and if you got a low score between (300–475), you will be considered as a beginner and fall in at  A1 level.

Your EmSAT English test score will replace ILETS, OET and CEPA in your admission to United Arab Emirates universities. 

Check Out: EmSAT English Practice Test With Answers

EmSAT Arabic Test & Score Details

The duration of the Arabic exam is 100 minutes, to answer reading and the basic linguistic questions. The EmSAT Arabic score is variable according to each university degree’s requirements. If you are aiming to join a specific Major you have to get a high score not less than 900. 

EmSAT Math Test and Score Details

The EmSAT Achieve Math test will cover 40 questions for which the student will have 90 minutes to answer. The Math test questions will be in the form of Multiple Choice and Fill in the blank questions. The student will have to score between 500 and 2000 for the EmSAT Math test. However, most of the universities or colleges in the UAE will require a minimum of 900 to 1100 score for EmSAT Math. 

  • EmSAT Math Score of 1500 + shows that a student has demonstrated sufficient mastery of algebra and geometry to warrant being considered for direct entry into a university-level calculus course.
  • EmSAT Math Score between 1300 - 1475 shows that the student has a solid understanding of algebra and geometry and could engage in pre-calculus or similar courses at the college level.
  • EmSAT Math Score between 1100-1275 demonstrates the student has sufficient algebra and geometry understanding to enter into degree programs that do not require pre-calculus or similar level courses at the college level. Additional preparation will be necessary before engaging in pre-calculus.
  • A student who scored between 900-1075 demonstrated some understanding of algebra and applied geometry. While the student needs additional instruction in pre-college level algebra.
  • A student in the 700 -875 score level has demonstrated limited understanding of a few algebra and applied geometry concepts. This student needs additional instruction and support in basic algebra and numeracy.
  • A student in 500 - 675 score level has some numerical understanding but a very limited understanding of basic algebra and geometry concepts. This student needs additional instruction and support in basic numeracy, algebra, and geometry.
  • While a student who scored below  500 shows little or no ability to apply basic mathematical concepts. Students at this level would need to significantly improve their numeracy skills.

EmSAT Achieve Physics Test Score Details

The EmSAT Achieve Physics test takes 90 minutes and the topics covered will be put in through 40 questions that are asked in multiple choices. The Physics EmSAT Score ranges between 500 and 1500, in which the student will have to score a minimum of 700 to 1100.

Check Out: Emsat Physics Practice Test With Answers

EmSAT Achieve Chemistry Test and Score Details

The EmSAT Achieve Chemistry test takes 90 minutes. The test covers 40 questions which will be put in the form of Multiple Choice, Multi-Select, Fill in the blank, and Drag and Drop. The EmSAT Score ranges between 500 and 1500+ and the candidate will have to score a minimum passing score between 1100 and 700 to get undergraduate admissions in the UAE universities or colleges. 

EmSAT Achieve Chemistry Score ranges between 1500 - 2000 (High Proficiency) proves students are well-prepared for first-year chemistry courses. EmSAT Achieve Chemistry Score ranges between 1100-1475 (Proficient) shows students at this level are at a satisfactory level of preparation to begin first-year chemistry courses at the university level. Chemistry scores between 900-1075 (Borderline Proficient) show students are minimally prepared for first-year chemistry courses and may need additional support in some areas. 

The score ranges from 700 to 875 (Basic) proves students do not have sufficient mastery of prerequisite knowledge for first-year courses in chemistry at the university level and will probably need some additional support in some Chemistry’s topics. Scores between 500-675 (Needs Improvement) prove students at this level need additional instructional support in basic chemical concepts and skills before beginning any first-year chemistry courses. Finally, a score below 500 shows students at this level lack knowledge and skills of basic science concepts.

Check Out: EmSAT Chemistry Practice Test With Answers

EmSAT Achieve Biology Test and Score Details

The EmSAT Achieve Biology test takes 90 minutes. The test covers 50 questions which will be asked in Multiple Choice. The EmSAT Score ranges between 500 and 1500+ and the candidate will have to score a minimum passing score between 1100 and 700 to get admissions in the UAE universities or colleges. 

EmSAT Achieve Biology Score ranges between 1500 - 2000 (High Proficiency) proves students are well-prepared for first-year Biology courses. EmSAT Achieve Biology Score ranges between 1100-1475 (Proficient) shows students at this level are at a satisfactory level of preparation to begin first-year Biology courses at the university level. Biology scores between 900-1075 (Borderline Proficient) show students are minimally prepared for first-year Biology courses and may need additional support in some areas. 

The score ranges from 700 to 875 (Basic) proves students do not have sufficient mastery of prerequisite knowledge for first-year courses in Biology at the university level and will probably need some additional support in some Biology’s topics. Scores between 500-675 (Needs Improvement) prove students at this level need additional instructional support in basic biological concepts and skills before beginning any first-year chemistry courses. Finally, score below 500 shows students at this level lack knowledge and skills of basic biological concepts.

Check Out: EmSAT Biology Practice Test With Answers

EmSAT Achieve Computer Science Test Scores 

EmSAT Achieve Computer Science is divided into three parts such as

  • Computer Science-Java
  • Computer Science-C++
  • Computer Science- Python

Each Computer Science test is of the duration of 120 Minutes and the questions will be in multiple choices. Each test coveres 100 questions and the student will have to manage to get an EmSAT Achieve Computer Science test score between 500 and 1500+. However, you don’t have to be worried about the minimum score for passing. The EmSAT test was created to evaluate students' skills and knowledge in certain subjects selected by the Ministry of education.

Check out : EmSAT Computer Science (C++, Java, Python) Test Specification

How to Register for EmSAT Exam

Below given are the six steps for EmSAT Exam Registration. 

  • Request for EmSAT test Registration
  • Registration/Login.
  • Fill in the application electronically.
  • Pay Fees.
  • Review Application.
  • Receive Document.

Check out: The EmSAT Exam Dates 2022 - 2023

Locations Where Edoxi Offers EmSAT Training

Here is the list of other major locations where Edoxi offers EmSAT Training

EmSAT Course in Dubai | 


How to Check the EmSAT Results?

You have to check the official EmSAT portal to check and get your result. The EmSAT results will not be released through other channels.The results will be posted on the EmSAT Official portal within 15 days for grade 12 students and within 10 days for other candidates. 

Why is the EmSAT Exam Conducted? 

EmSAT (Emirates Standardized Test) is a computer-based entrance test for school, university, or college admissions in the United Arab Emirates. The EmSAT test is conducted to assess the students' skills and knowledge in targeted subjects. 

Where is the EmSAT Exam conducted? 

The EmSAT exams are conducted at approved test centres distributed across the UAE. As EmSAT is a UAE-wide system of standardized computer-based tests to maintain national standards, the students registered through an ID reader in all governments can attend the EmSat exam. EmSAT is not offered in every Testing Center. 

Is the EmSAT Exam Mandatory? 

The EmSAT test is mandatory for all schools with targeted grades (4, 6, 8, 10). According to the Ministry of Education in the UAE, every student studying under the Ministry of education curriculum needs to take the EmSAT to achieve English, EmSAT Math, EmSAT Physics, and EmSAT Arabic as mandatory tests to issue the grade 12 equivalent certificate. However, the EmSAT test is not compulsory for non- Arabic-speaking students unless the student wishes to take the test and is required for college admission. For international applicants (coming from high schools outside the UAE), external examinations are required.  

What is the Minimum Passing Score for the EmSAT Exam?

The Emirates Standardized Tests are tests that assess whether the students have skills and concepts in those specific subjects. There is no passing or failing score for EmSAT undergraduate admissions. However, the universities, colleges, and public and private higher education institutions decide the required score from the Emirates Standardized Test for admission based on their requirements. But some educational institutions may require a minimum score for admission. 

Here, you may learn more about how to prepare for the EmSAT exam

article1Blessy Babu


Ms Blessy is the communicative English trainer who handles OET, DHA and NCLEX Training with Edoxi Training Institute, Dubai. She is a dedicated communication skills trainer who uses her technical skills to track her students' academic progress and help them achieve their goals on time. She is also involved in designing tests to test students' fluency in reading, writing, speaking and English language comprehension.

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